Meet Leah.
Leah Bernthal is an organizational strategist and social entrepreneur whose mission is to create the next generation of bold businesses and philanthropists driven by action, community, and transparency. She is the founder of Every Purpose, an impact strategy firm that collaborates with conscious individuals and businesses to build purpose-driven strategy, thoughtful engagement, and sustainable action.
Prior to Every Purpose, Leah gained valuable experience in management consulting and organizational development that served as the catalyst for her transition to the nonprofit sector. She began her nonprofit career in 2001 when she co-founded CoachArt, a nonprofit organization that supports families impacted by childhood chronic illness. As Executive Director of this grassroots startup, Leah took on every aspect of operating and leading a nonprofit organization from operations, fundraising, Board governance, and growth, to strategic planning, human resources, program design and development. Leah is currently the Co-Chair of the CoachArt Board of Directors.
In 2015, Leah began working with the Annenberg Foundation to research and launch AnnenbergTech and PledgeLA. She served as a senior advisor to the Executive Director and Senior Director, Operations & Strategy, developing the strategic plan, establishing strategic partnerships, facilitating workshops and recruiting talent.
At Every Purpose, Leah brings to each client her knowledge, experience and network as an entrepreneur, executive director, strategic consultant, and board member in business, nonprofit and philanthropy. Recent projects and clients include Chime, Instil, Solano Economic Development Corporation, Us Kids, Pledge, Generate Life Sciences, Green the Bid, Raise for Good, Tombot, Good Measure and 10x10 Philanthropy Los Angeles.